17 May

Disfruta de un domingo francés perfecto en París.

Inglés Español

Oh! París, la ciudad del amor, la comida, el intelecto, el arte, y una hermosa arquitectura. Escucha atentamente, ya que estoy a punto de volar tu mente con la imagen del domingo francés perfecto en París. ¿Qué es un domingo perfecto? En París, es el día para el descanso, para reflexionar sobre todos los aspectos de tu vida, no olvidando de hacerlo siempre con estilo, ¿y nosotros?

Tus ojos se abren mientras abres la cortina y dejas entrar la luz relajante de la mañana en tu habitación. Preparado para un rico desayuno, ansiosa de saber que  y conversar para desayunar en tu lugar favorito: “Hollybelly”, that Vogue listed as number 1 on the list of best places to eat at the beginning of the day. In Vogue, we trust. To 5 Rue Lucien Sampaix we’re off.

You’re starring at your Granola engorging it, Laura has given you the tea, now what’s next? Lose yourselves in paintings. 

You splash on some dark lipstick and enrobe yourselves in your trench coats, and end up in the Musée d’Art Moderne, where Henri Matisse, Georges Braque, Gustav Klimt, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Monet, become your best friends, yet very platonically, they’re too cool for anyone. 


Enjoy a Perfect Sunday in Paris.


You now have a full stomach, eyes filled with beauty. Now your spirit needs a helping too. Could it be yoga time? There is an oasis in Paris, one that you only might have seen in your dreams if you are lucky. All the celebs resort to this free establishment and nourish themselves. Two words for you: Parc Sceaux. 

After some yoga, relaxation, and spiritual guidance held by tall trees and a reflecting lake, it’s time for you and your girls to go home take showers, put your favorite outfits on, heels that make you feel gorgeous yet you’re not in an amount of pain that makes you want to stab someone with the heel. You need a goodbye week party. Cocktails anyone?

There’s a private garden, very secretive, in the Novotel de Paris les Halles, it holds events that help you regain strength for the next hard week of work ahead of you. You’ll have a Martini, and while you sip on it, laughing to your friends, you’ll be thanking me. Enjoy your perfect Sunday in Paris my friends!

By Isabel O’brien for Captourist

Inglés Español

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